Scout is the first rank you get in scouts. You get this by doing several simple requirements. This first recognition is earned by applying and memorizing some important scouting basics.
As a Scout, you are immediately eligible to attend a variety of fun campouts, including a week-long summer camp adventure. Learn more about our camping opportunities in Troop 335.
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Specific requirments are divided by age group: Grades 6-8 and
Grades 9-12.
Tenderfoot is the next rank in scouts in which you know the basics of scouting. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. However, keep in mind that the badge is only a representation of a valuable set of skills that a scout has learned and demonstrated. The skills, wisdom, and experience gained through the activities of the scouting program are of much more value than a small badge.
As a Tenderfoot rank, this will be the first time you will particpate in a Board of Review, where you'll learn to answer questions from adult Committee members about your Scouting expereince. The Board of Review is a time to determine the Scout's attitudes, accomplishments, and acceptance of Scouting Ideals. Scout Spirit is defined as living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in a Scout's everyday life.
Second Class shows that you are able to use a map and compass, and able to use more first aid. Second Class scouts work on building their outdoor survival and camping skills. Compass work, nature observation, camp tools, and swimming are areas where new skills are mastered and demonstrated. A second class scout, having completed all the requirements, should be able to lead a hike, care for his own equipment, set up a campsite, and perform basic first aid.
The first phase of advancement (from Scout to First Class) is designed to teach the Scoutcraft skills, how to participate in a group, and to learn self-reliance. Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class have progressively harder requirements in the areas of fitness, citizenship, personal growth, tools, cooking, first aid and emergency preparedness, aquatics, hiking and navigation, nature, outdoor ethics, and Scout Spirit.
First Class is the forth rank in scouts. Once you get this rank, it shows that you know everything from the last 4 ranks and can teach it to others. When the First Class rank is attained, a scout has learned all the basic camping and outdoors skills of a scout. He can fend for himself in the wild, lead others on a hike or campout, set up a camp site, plan and properly prepare meals, and provide first aid for most situations he may encounter. A First Class scout is prepared.
As a First Scout rank, you are also eligible to attend special National Youth Leadership Training, often called NYLT. It is the current youth leadership development training offered by BSA Scouting. The program is conducted by councils over six days, which includes working with a team of youth from a variety of Troops.
Star Scout shows that you have taught your previous skills to others using methods in the book. This also shows that you know some skills not in the book that are required for the Eagle Rank. Up through First Class rank, a scout was busy learning skills and becoming a self-sufficient scout. He now moves from being a learner to being a leader. The Star rank is attained with participation, leadership, service, and self-directed advancement through merit badges.
As a Star Scout rank, these experienced Scouts (age 14 years of age and up with Star rank) are eligible to attend our Troop's varied High Adventures, which are challenging week-long treks on a sailboat, in canoes, on bicycles, on a dog-sled, or over a mountain carrying backpacks. Learn more about the high adventure opportunities in Troop 335.
Life Scout shows that you have been an active Star scout for 6 months and have taught many people in your troop skills. A Life Scout also can sign off requirements. Continuing to develop leadership skills, the Life Scout rank is earned by fulfilling additional leadership positions, service hours, and merit badges. A Life Scout is expected to be a role model and leader in the troop, providing guidance to new scouts and helping the troop however he can. Being a good leader can only be learned by doing and troop leadership positions allow the scout to make decisions, lead discussions, and encourage others.
The second phase of Star, Life, and Eagle is designed to develop leadership skills and allow the Scout to explore potential vocations and avocations through the merit badge program. The Star, Life, and Eagle ranks require that the Scout serve in a position of responsibility and perform community service.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Scouts. You have to get this rank by your 18th birthday. A seperate Court of Honor is held for the Scouts who make it. Only 7% of Scouts make it to Eagle. See the men in our Troop 335 that earned the Eagle rank. is a website featuring hundreds of successful Eagle Scout service projects. Scouts can search for ideas by theme or location, and submit their own project.